Three Wise Monkeys Cross-Stitch Pattern – Digital PDF in Colour and B&W

Pattern info

14 ct 140×60 Stitches (25,4 x 10,9 cm) (10,0 x 4,3 in.)
16 ct 140×60 Stitches (22,2 x 9,5 cm) (8,8 x 3,8 in.)
18 ct 140×60 Stitches (19,8 x 8,5 cm) (7,8 x 3,3 in.)

Pattern Keeper compatible

This chart has been tested and verified to work with Pattern Keeper by the designer. Cross-Stitch Vienna is not affiliated with Pattern Keeper. Please note that Pattern Keeper does not currently support backstitch reading! You will need to follow the PDF for the backstitch guide.

Download info

This is a digital PDF pattern only. The PDF contains the following versions:

  • colour blocks with symbols,
  • symbols in black and white only
  • Pattern Keeper compatible chart.
  • PLEASE NOTE that sometimes it was not possible to include the Pattern Keeper chart in the same PDF as the main chart (it was preventing PK from rendering the PDF in-app) – in such cases a direct download link was added in the notes on the cross-stitch key page. Upon clicking on it, you will receive a separate PDF with the chart in the Pattern Keeper format.

Please note that if you bought this item, no refunds will be made after purchase as it is a digital file. Terms and Conditions & copyright info:

“Your silence will not protect you.”
― Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches

The three wise monkeys are a Japanese pictorial maxim that embodies the words “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”. The three monkeys are called Mizaru (sees no evil), Kikazaru (hears no evil) and Iwazaru (speaks no evil). You will see that my monkeys (he he) are Japanese macaques, which is what the three buddies have originally been described as – they tend to have sandy or grey-coloured fur and red faces. But many representations, including emojis, show three brown monkeys.

The proverb has been ascribed two main meanings. The first interpretation tells of being of good mind, speech and action, making sure you go through life not causing pain. The second common interpretation is that turning a blind eye to life situations is the recommended course of action.

I decided that the three monkeys could use a modern spin and designed them as paying attention to the evil surrounding them rather than choosing to ignore it. Gods knows there is plenty of unhappiness and tragedy around us these days. I am a huge advocate of unplugging to remove the constant media frenzy from our minds. However, when people suffer at the hands of other people or when an injustice is happening, we cannot pretend all is well.

If you feel frozen and unsure what to do but feel like you “should” do something, I find that reading up on issues that are going on in the world is a good way to start. It never hurts to understand the backstory and it sure as hell does not hurt to educate yourself from reliable sources rather than inflammatory social media posts.