Black Widow IX – Elizabeth Báthory Cross-Stitch Pattern

Pattern info

10 ct 71×69 Stitches (18,0 x 17,5 cm) (7,1 x 6,9 in.)
14 ct 71×69 Stitches (12,9 x 12,5 cm) (5,1 x 4,9 in.)
16 ct 71×69 Stitches (11,3 x 11,0 cm) (4,4 x 4,3 in.)
18 ct 71×69 Stitches (10,0 x 9,7 cm) (3,9 x 3,8 in.)

Pattern Keeper compatible

This chart has been tested and verified to work with Pattern Keeper by the designer. Cross-Stitch Vienna is not affiliated with Pattern Keeper. Please note that Pattern Keeper does not currently support backstitch reading! You will need to follow the PDF for the backstitch guide.

Download info

This is a digital PDF pattern only. The PDF contains the following versions:

  • colour blocks with symbols,
  • symbols in black and white only
  • Pattern Keeper compatible chart.
  • PLEASE NOTE that sometimes it was not possible to include the Pattern Keeper chart in the same PDF as the main chart (it was preventing PK from rendering the PDF in-app) – in such cases a direct download link was added in the notes on the cross-stitch key page. Upon clicking on it, you will receive a separate PDF with the chart in the Pattern Keeper format.

Please note that if you bought this item, no refunds will be made after purchase as it is a digital file. Terms and Conditions & copyright info:

The story of Elizabeth Báthory captivated my gullible heart the second I heard about it. A Hungarian noblewoman accused of bathing in the blood of servants to retain her beauty. A she-devil, painted as perverse, depraved, spoiled, and egocentric.

I immediately believed the lore of Elizabeth because how cool was it that she was known as Countess Dracula?!

Alas, it turns out that the Blood Countess was a myth.

Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed was a real person who, in all likelihood, became a victim of a vicious campaign to remove her from her privileged position in what was known at the time as the Kingdom of Hungary. Most likely, a politically motivated witch-hunt ended up as a successful spiel because the alleged perpetrator was a woman. I mean, the accounts from the trial do not inspire confidence:

“Most of the witnesses testified that they had heard the accusations from others but did not see it themselves. The servants confessed under torture, which is not credible in contemporary proceedings.” (Source: Wikipedia)

Yet, the story of a countess resorting to torture and murder to stave off the inevitable signs of ageing is too good not to birth endless creative iterations in music, movies, art, and literature.

And now, also in cross-stitch.
