The Unbearable Lightness of Nofuckgiving Cross-Stitch Pattern | Early Access

Pattern info

14 ct 142×102 Stitches (25,8 x 18,5 cm) (10,1 x 7,3 in.)
16 ct 142×102 Stitches (22,5 x 16,2 cm) (8,9 x 6,4 in.)
18 ct 142×102 Stitches (20,0 x 14,4 cm) (7,9 x 5,7 in.)

Pattern Keeper compatible

This chart has been tested and verified to work with Pattern Keeper by the designer. Cross-Stitch Vienna is not affiliated with Pattern Keeper. Please note that Pattern Keeper does not currently support backstitch reading! You will need to follow the PDF for the backstitch guide.

Download info

This is a digital PDF pattern only. The PDF contains the following versions:

  • colour blocks with symbols,
  • symbols in black and white only
  • Pattern Keeper compatible chart.
  • PLEASE NOTE that sometimes it was not possible to include the Pattern Keeper chart in the same PDF as the main chart (it was preventing PK from rendering the PDF in-app) – in such cases a direct download link was added in the notes on the cross-stitch key page. Upon clicking on it, you will receive a separate PDF with the chart in the Pattern Keeper format.

Please note that if you bought this item, no refunds will be made after purchase as it is a digital file. Terms and Conditions & copyright info:

My early 20s were filled with heartache. I wanted to be wrapped in melancholy to process it and sought the ethereal pain of existence in music, books, and movies.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being, a 1988 American romantic drama film based on the 1984 novel of the same name by Czech writer, Milan Kundera, took me sad places.

The movie is a beautiful and painfully assembled puzzle, with three main characters sculpted into three twisted examples of human nature. There is the hedonist and narcissist. The independent puppet mistress. There is the lost but slowly found caring creature, who has the misfortune of colliding with the former two.

As you follow the storyline, you feel doleful that life is so easily pliable by the small and big decisions we make every day. The necessity of choosing your adventure comes through the scenes, with each word and gesture weighing the scales.

I love this movie. It makes you think about the consequences, yes, but also successfully introduces the revolutionary (at the time) notion of not agreeing to suffer from consequences.

Simply and completely accepting the roll of dice, taking that shaking breath, and choosing lightness.

This pattern is my tribute to the movie.

Make mistakes. Seek joy. Give no fuck.
